Our Mission

We, the McCormick County Chamber of Commerce, are a pro-business economic support organization for ALL of McCormick County.

Our mission is to provide leadership and vision, programs, projects and initiatives that will promote and serve the community, its businesses and its citizens. We serve the whole county that includes our historic rail towns of Mt. Carmel, Willington, McCormick, Plum Branch, Parksville, Modoc and Clarks Hill.

In striving to realize our mission, the McCormick County Chamber remains focused on it role to:

  • promote economic growth and welfare of McCormick County
  • encourage the expansion of the retail trade facilities and other related business in McCormick County;
  • encourage the preservation of our historical and natural resources character within the area boundaries.
  • promote dynamic programs, membership benefits and services that will
    retain and grow small business, and the minority and women-owned business sector.
  • offer a series of educational workshops that assist small businesses in understanding how to become compliant with county and town government regulations, permitting processes, etc.
  • post information and appropriate links on website (i.e. small Business Support Hotline and SC Chamber of Commerce)
  • post legislative and regulatory concerns of small business.

We appreciate our businesses, government agencies, historical society, and art and cultural partners as well as our individual residents that support the Chamber of Commerce; by their investments, they are helping us make a difference in our community.

For more information, contact us at info@mccormickscchamber.org.

K. Renee Robertson
Executive Director